Well, this should be interesting. I screwed up the internet. Well, hold on. It wasn't my fault, really. Our connection was awful. It kept cutting out, so I decided to give it the old "unplug and plug back in" routine. Apparently, when you don't pay your internet bill, they send you some sort of "disconnect" notice. THEN, if you don't pay after THAT, they "disconnect" it. The thing is, nobody tells the router. Unless it communicates with the service provider, the router doesn't know that it shouldn't be pumping out service. So, here I sit, typing on my phone to make my daily blog entry. Surprisingly, I would say this turns out to be a win-win situation. I win, because I complete another day of blogging, marching on, towards my goal, and you the reader win, because you get another wildly fascinating read.
Actually, it might be fair to call this a win-win-win, because you ALSO learn a little something about internet routers. So, remember: If you get one of these "disconnect" notices, make sure you get a nice fresh re-start on your router the day before it shuts off.
And enjoy the free Internet.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
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your goal of posting every day is noble. i could never accomplish that. kudos.
ReplyDeleteWell, that's the plan. I can't guarantee pearls everyday.... that fact that I have so far is encouraging though.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks.