
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Section 3

I'm experimenting with headings.

I switched it from chapters because they just weren't very long. Maybe once I get rolling, or I get a good topic, I'll switch back, but for now, I think section is better. Crap, maybe it's even too short for section.

I think I established that this will be something that I will be doing on a daily basis. My brothers got a good chuckle at my expense when I told them that I haven't told anybody about this blog just yet. A-holes.

People always say that when you get older, it gets harder to find a mate, because you get too picky. I don't know if I believe that theory. Actually, I DO know that I don't believe it. Well I believe that I don't believe it, anyway..... holy crap...what do I believe? I read one time, something to the effect of: "I don't write what I think. I write to find out what I think." So far I'm not finding out jack squat.

Today I was thinking that dating sure must have been easier in the Old West. (Is that a location? I didn't capitalize that at first, but it didn't look right) I think the whole dating thing was just simplified. We have too many choices. Maybe that's it. We get too picky, because we realize that we CAN. We see all the different varieties and styles out there, and we get into our heads that we can hold off until we find one that's juuuuuuuuuust right. Damn that Goldie Locks. I blame her....AND the people that continue to tell her harmful story. She didn't compromise. She wasn't about to eat some cold porridge. It had to be juuuuuuuuuuuust right! Well, what's wrong with wanting to be like Goldie Locks!? All you critics can just relax. I'm just an adorable kid with beautiful hair, trying to survive in a bear's world. And maybe I want to sit in a nice bear chair while I'm at it. AND I want it to be juuuuuuuuust right too!!

Anyway, I was saying:

Imagine you're some half decent looking dude way on the outskirts of town just whipping his ox, sweating, wearing some old stinky hat, digging in some rocky pile of dirt, trying to plant some seeds when your neighbor comes riding up in the distance for about 30 minutes, because he's on a horse, and he's lives way out in the middle of nowhere too. He rides up to you and he says "Hey, didya hear?" And of course you didn't because you haven't seen another human being since the snow began to fall last winter. But, you're polite, mostly because you're stoked that your communication with a person, and you say "no". And he's all "yeah, we finally got a teacher. And it's a woman." Suddenly your heart jumps, because from his description, she's everything that you had hoped in a woman. You already know that you guys are going to get along because of all the criteria are met. Boy and girl. After the celebration inside of you calms down, you start to get greedy and ask more details. Details that don't matter, mind you. But you figure, since he's here, and maybe he knows, you'd like to know a little more. "So, does she have a full head of hair?" He looks back and is confused because he just realized that in all the excitement, he didn't notice either. "Oh man, I hope she has her limbs and that they were developed naturally, that would be just great". Now, that's not a deal-breaker, it's more of just, bonus material really. Nowadays, if a girl didn't like the editing in Moulin Rouge, I just don't know if we're ever going to make it.

...dang, maybe I should have called this one a chapter.


  1. Hey friend! I hope this post finds you one step closer to finding a lovely lady with four perfectly developed limbs.

    Oh, that reminds me...what do you call a girl with only one leg? Too soon?

  2. yea! me and melissa are the first commenters! is it embarrassing that so far both of your readers are mom bloggers?

  3. haha, this is priceless Adam! Keep up the writing, I look forward to reading your daily witticism!

  4. This should have been a chapter, for sure. Did I mention I like my chapter books with pictures? And maps. Like Tolkein.

    There is nothing wrong with waiting for the right one, but I'm a believer that there are a lot of potential right ones out there and the thing that makes someone the one is commitment and work. That doesn't sound very romantic, does it? Oh yeah, also romance. That's important.

    But at some point you've got to pick a belle at the ball or eventually you're left without a partner. And then you die alone. :)

  5. I love my fellow mom bloggers/followers. I consider them good company. And I get great advice, that I didn't know I was asking for. Hey, I'll take anything I can get. Sort of. (see my post: section 3, for more details)

  6. So, you only want your mom responding, or those of us who are moms can feel free to respond? I mean once we become moms we suddenly know everything. It's a proven fact of the universe. I know, because I'm a mom. Now I know everything.

  7. Oh, and your friend has a great idea with pictures. I'm pretty fond of picture books. That's mostly all I get to read anymore. I do NOT like the idea of working at it. Romance-yes; work-no. Just kidding. I suppose you should work too. So hurry up already. Get to the ball and find that belle.

  8. Who are these brothers you speak of??? They sound interesting!

  9. thanks everyone. And to Brad: ..wow..
